DIY Non Toxic Weed Spray: a review

Weeds. You hate them, I hate them. If we can all agree on one thing, it is that weeds stink. I hate pulling weeds, and I hate when they mock me by growing up through my mulch or pea gravel as it to say, “is this all you got?” My husband loves pulling weeds, I know, why? But I do not, so I am always looking for a DIY or non toxic weed spray that I can use with a clear conscience. This recipe is easy and uses ingredients you may have already rinsed down your drain. It’s just White Vinegar, Epsom salts and dish soup. Mix them all together in a spray bottle and spray generously on each weed. Frankly, the results were surprising to me. I have made vinegar based weed spray in the past and it worked ok. This worked really well. You do really have to saturate the weeds and make sure that the weeds are dry before spraying. Also make sure that you are not expecting rain for at least an hour or 2 after spraying.

1 gallon white venegar

2 cups epsom salts

1/4 cup dish soap. I just used what I had on hand.

I think that before and after is pretty dramatic. I have since bought 3 more gallons of white vinegar so I can spray the rest of my weeds in my garden as well as my walkways. I would not spray the weeds in my garden beds. This spray will kill any plant it hits so this is something I use on walkways or between my beds where the weeds are trying to come up. I will not spray this near anything I don’t want to kill. For weeds in the beds themselves, you have to hand pull or if you are dealing with a lot of over growth or weeds you can smother the weeds with cardboard or a tarp for a few months. This spray is really just for those walkway type areas that you need to kill those annoying weeds coming through the cracks.


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