Winter Garden Update

Happy New Year! Although it is not time to start our garden by any means, I have been excited to plan out the up coming garden beds, plants, and new areas for this year. I have to say, I already went through my seed collection and ordered new seeds for next year as well as replenished my supplies of some favorites. We got a new fence right before the holidays (a project that was supposed to happen months earlier but c’est la vie:)) This new fence however opened up a whole bunch of new opportunities. I am obsessed with how it looks, but it now gives us more grounding to trellis plants, plan beds and it extended our yard about 3 feet since we decided to push back to our property line. This has expanded our raised bed garden and our chicken area. Some projects we are looking forward to this spring are adding more raised beds, adding another ‘no dig’ bed, starting a grow bag garden, adding more compost bins, and a mini over haul of our chicken area. Unfortunately, our chickens died in November. This was devastating for us but as we move forward with planning to get more chickens in the spring, we decided we wanted to expand our run and change up the fence around the chicken area. These were projects we thought we would always do after they passed away. It just came sooner than we anticipated. I made a little video just walking through what we have right now and our plans for the future. I thought it would be fun to document each month over the next year to see how things evolve. What we realistically get done, what was a success, what was a failure, etc. I hope you are thinking about starting a garden this year or adding onto the garden you have. It would be fun to start a community of amateur gardens or homesteaders to share our collective knowledge. Happy Gardening!!

January Garden Tour


Homemade Maple Syrup


Planting Garlic